Guaranteed List
- Deadline to submit form: 1pm Eastern, Wednesday, April 23, 2025
- Deadline to cancel without cancellation fee: Thursday, May 1, 2025
- Deadline to update ranked preferences on Portal: 11:59pm Eastern, Monday, June 23, 2025
- Assignments will be emailed to students by 11pm Eastern, Friday, August 1, 2025
If students are not able to pick a room in the 123 Lottery (or don't want to pick from what's available at their Selection Time), they will submit the Guaranteed List Form to provide ranked preferences to be assigned to a room over the summer.
To fill out the Guaranteed List Form, log into Housing Portal and click ROOM SELECTION.
Please check out the Frequently Asked Questions below for information about how assignments are made, etc.
Note: students cannot submit the Guaranteed List form if they already have a room assignment (picked in the Lottery or from a Pre-Lottery process). However, they can look for Pre-Fall 1-for-1 Room Swaps.
Frequently Asked Questions
Each year during the Housing Lottery, many students pick rooms even though they are not completely sure they will be living in campus housing next Fall. This includes students who are waiting to hear back from a Study Abroad program, thinking about moving off-campus, considering taking a leave of absence from Barnard, etc.
That means that more students take part in the Lottery than the number of available rooms to pick. During the 123 Lottery, students who are not in a group will not be able to pick after all of the Single rooms are selected. All of the Doubles & Triples may be picked before Selection Times end.
Students who are not able to pick a room in the 123 Lottery (or do not want to pick from what is still available) will fill out the Guaranteed List form to be assigned to a room over the summer. Typically there are 100-200 students on the Guaranteed List each year.
Yes! Students who submit the Guaranteed List form before the deadline at the top of the page are guaranteed to be assigned to campus housing for the upcoming academic year.
Students on the Guaranteed List will provide ranked preferences for building and room types (similar to a Housing Application). They may also request to be placed with other students on the Guaranteed List or into a specific vacant room space.
The students on the Guaranteed List will be assigned towards the end of the summer into rooms that other students cancelled from.
Cancellations occur in all types of rooms across campus. However, we cannot guarantee that specific room types or buildings will open up due to cancellations or would be available for you to be assigned to based on your priority.
Because there will be a finite number of vacancies to work from, it may not be possible to place students in one of their top preferred buildings or room types. We strongly recommend that students rank in order as many building & room type combinations as possible, in case they are not able to be assigned to a top preference.
Usually there are more requests for Singles than the number that open up due to cancellations. This means that some students (with the highest lottery numbers) may be assigned into Doubles or Triples with other upperclass students. The Portal will use the roommate matching questions to find the best match for students from among the available spaces.
While the College will try to place students with requested roommates or into specifically requested rooms if possible, those requests cannot be guaranteed.
Room assignments for students on the Guaranteed List are made based on Point Value and 123 Lottery Number Order.
Students who submit the Guaranteed List form before the 123 Lottery will be generated a random number by Point Value.
Priority is not determined by when / how quickly students submit the form. Students just need to make sure they submit the form before the deadline listed at the top of this webpage (and they may edit their preferences through the deadline at the top of the page).
Note: if students are in a mixed-Point Value group for the 123 Lottery and switch to the Guaranteed List, they will be prioritized based on the random value (between 1-9999) that was used to determine the sequential order of Lottery Numbers & Selection Times by individual or group Point Values. For example, for a group made up of a rising-Junior & Sophomore, both students would be prioritized within their own class year where there would have been if they hadn't formed a mixed-class group.
Room assignments will be emailed to students' Barnard email addresses by August 1. Assignments may be sent out in groups as opposed to all at once.
We wait until we expect to have received the majority of the cancellations over the summer, so that we have the widest array of available spaces to match to students' preferences. This helps to find better matches for students instead of just assigning them to rooms as each cancellation is received.
Students may include roommate requests. Those requests must be mutual (i.e. on both of your forms). The College will do its best to place you together if possible; however, that depends on whether any completely empty doubles are available.
If the College cannot place you and your requested friend together in the same room, we will try to place you as close together as possible (in the same suite, floor, building, etc.) if possible. Students who wish to live with/near each other should coordinate to make sure their ranked building & room type preferences match.
Yes, students may write in a request to be assigned to a specific vacancy on their Guaranteed List form. However, assignments to specific rooms cannot be guaranteed.
If you request to move into a double where one student cancelled, please ask the remaining students to email (before July 1) to mutually request you as a roommate.
Requests to be placed into a specific single may not be possible due to students' priority order on the Guaranteed List. Based on the available spaces, the room may be assigned to a student before you in priority.
Students who need housing accommodations for a disability or medical condition should submit an accommodation request (with supporting medical documentation) to CARDS before July 1.
Approved accommodations will be taken into account and provide additional priority when room assignments are made.
Students may apply for a Fall room change or look for a Room Swap after classes start in September. Students who are not able to get a room change in the Fall are encouraged to apply again in December for a Mid-Year Room Change when more options may be available (because of students graduating mid-year, leaving to study abroad, etc).
Students who no longer plan to live in campus housing should submit the Housing Cancellation Form (please note that cancellation fees would apply).
If you are thinking about cancelling housing, we strongly encourage you to read the information at and/or talk to Res Life staff before making that decision. Students who move out of campus housing lose their guarantee of housing for the future (and may not take part in Room Selection). Students are also encouraged to check with the Financial Aid office to see if their aid package would be affected.